SummaryThe capacity to identify the unique functional architecture of an individual’s brain is a critical step towards personalized medicine and understanding the neural basis of variations in hu-man cognition and behavior. Recently, we developed a novel cortical parcellation approach to accurately map the functional organization at the individual level using resting-state fMRI (Wang et al., 2015). Although the algorithm was tested across different subject populations and data types including task fMRI data, a validation by improved correspondence to neu-rocognitive parameters remains to be performed. Our aim which will be submitted via a follow-up proposal is to test if individualized function-al connectivity measures can predict neurocognitive performance more accurately than clas-sic atlas-based connectivity measures. Furthermore, we aim to supply the individualized con-nectivity measures back to the NAKO database, in order to enable other researchers to inves-tigate association of individualized connectivity measures with other parameters obtained within the NAKO framework.
InstitutionsKlinik und Poliklinik für Radiolgie, Harvard University, Fraunhofer MEVIS Bremen, Klinikum der Universität München, Forschungszentrum Jülich