2.MRTCall - Association between periodontitis and cognitive functions - evidence from the NAKO Health study


ProjektleitungProf. Dr. Simone Kühn

Genehmigt am17.10.2022

Öffentlich seit17.09.2024

ZusammenfassungBackground: Dementia is one of the leading causes for increased disability and health loss during late adulthood. Treatment options for neurodegenerative and vascular dementias remain limited. Consequently, there is an urgent need to identify modifiable risk factors for all forms of dementia in patients in preclinical or prodromal stages in order to prevent further disease progression. There is a possible dependency between periodontitis and dementia indicated by epidemiological data and post-mortem studies. Hypothesis: We aim for an improved understanding of the relationship between periodontitis, MR imaging biomarkers of vascular injury, cerebral atrophy and cognitive functions. The following hypotheses will be tested: (1) In participants with severe periodontitis, decreased cognitive performance can be detected compared to participants with no/mild periodontitis that are associated with structural brain alterations detected by brain imaging biomarkers from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (2) Participants with periodontitis will show signs of systemic inflammation measured by elevated hs-CRP levels that mediate extent of altered brain structure. Material & Methods: Within Level 1 and 2 examination, all participants undergo brain imaging, neuropsychological testing and full dental examination (including half mouth periodontal protocol). Periodontal status was measured using the pocket probing depth (PPD) and DMFT (Decayed, Missing, Filled, Teeth) was documented. Statistical analyses will include chi squared test and multivariate analyses using logistic or linear regression models depending on the chosen outcome variable (binary or continuous) will be used to test hypotheses.

Schlüsselwörter Demenz Gehirn Zahnmedizin

EinrichtungenUniversitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, UKE Hamburg, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Uniklinikum Saarland, Universitäsmedizin Greifswald
