[DN_2016_08] Softwareentwicklung für die automatisierte Segmentation von 3D-MRT-Datensätzen der Hüftgelenke


ProjektleitungProf. Dr. Mike Notohamiprodjo

Genehmigt am05.04.2018

Öffentlich seit10.04.2018

ZusammenfassungStandardized and validated tools with a high degree of automatization are required for the assessment of the MRI-data of the approximately 30,000 participants of the German National Cohort (GNC) imaging sub-study. The purpose of this project is to develop and test software algorithms for automated segmentation of the hip joint exploiting the pelvis sequences of 200 exemplary MRI datasets provided by the GNC. The software algorithms will automatically quantify the following imaging parameters: Acetabular coverage, sphericity of the femoral head, offset femoral head/neck, proximal femoral form, cartilage area and thickness, acetabular and femoral cysts. These automatically derived parameters will be compared to manual analysis and validated in a separate clinically correlated patient cohort. Finally, the developed software tools will allow for automated quantitative assessment of structural changes which may predispose individuals to develop hip osteoarthritis.


EinrichtungenUniversitätsklinikum Tübingen, University of Freiburg, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Universitätsmedizin Rostock
