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Association between air pollutant concentrations and periodontitis


ProjektleitungBirte Holtfreter

Genehmigt am20.08.2024

Öffentlich seit23.10.2024

ZusammenfassungAir pollution is known to trigger systemic inflammation, which in turn might promote periodontitis, an inflammatory disease of the periodontium. Up to date, only one study has evaluated the association between air pollution and periodontitis. The large cross-sectional study in South Korea showed associations between ambient air pollutants and the occurrence of peridontitis (Marruganti et al., 2023). However, this topic has not been studied in any European population. Thus, using data from the NAKO Health Study, we aim to investigate the cross-sectional association between air pollution variables and periodontitis (incl. number of teeth) using data from level 1 and level 2 examinations of the baseline study.


EinrichtungenUniversitätsmedizin Greifswald, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Helmholtz Munich, Uniklinikum Saarland, Universitäsmedizin Greifswald
