Vitamin D3 supplements use and its associations with biomarkers for hypercalcemia and inflammation as well as with back pain, nephrolithiasis, infections, and mortality


Project leadDr. Ben Schöttker

Approval date23.08.2021

Published date11.11.2021

SummaryVitamin D insufficiency and deficiency are highly prevalent in the general population although supplementation with vitamin D3 got more and more common in recent years. Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showed that vitamin D3 supplementation can prevent cases of acute respiratory tract infections and cancer mortality while being safe with no more adverse events than a placebo. Evidence from RCTs regarding the efficacy for reducing inflammatory biomarkers and reducing back pain is inconclusive. It is of interest how the safety and efficacy data of vitamin D3 supplementation obtained from well-defined and well-controlled clinical trial populations translate into the safety and effectiveness in the real world. Therefore, the Nationale Kohorte (NAKO) Health Study population is the ideal data source to address the following three research aims: (1) To identify the determinants of vitamin D3 supplements use in a large cohort from the general German adult population. (2) To assess the associations of vitamin D3 supplementation with back pain, infections frequency (total infections, upper and lower respiratory tract infections, hospitalizations due to infections), and biomarkers for inflammation and acute infections (serum C-reactive protein levels and white blood cell count) and risk of death (all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality). (3) To address the safety of vitamin D3 supplementation by assessing its association with the serum calcium-to-albumin-ratio and the frequency of nephrolithiasis.

Keywords back-pain c-reactive-protein calcium infections kidney-stones mortality vitamin-D3 white-blood-cell-count

InstitutionsDeutsches Krebsforschungszentrum

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